Peerless Electronics is Celebrating 75 Years of Distribution Excellence

Ed Combs
By Ed Combs
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July 1, 2020

Dear Valued Customers and Suppliers,

Peerless Electronics, Inc. is proud to announce our 75th anniversary being in business. We were carefully trying to figure out just exactly how we could convey what it means to us, to be able to serve our customers for 75 wonderful, interesting, ever-evolving years. Little did we know, we would soon be experiencing an unprecedented crisis in America for our seventy-fifth year in business.

We all learned how to live differently. This meant working remotely, changing how you do business, and forcing ourselves to adapt to the new society that was emerging. We saw this as an opportunity to innovate, adapt and succeed.

As we all know, we have reached unemployment much of the likes of the Great Depression. Many companies had to adjust the entire way they operated. Some places simply shut down and were to never be heard from again. But, for Peerless? Well, let us just say things were a little different.

We quickly adapted to the needs of the drastic changes in the business climate. Within the first week of major shutdowns in the United States, Peerless swiftly made sure all of our employees had laptops and proper equipment necessary to safely work from home and help flatten the curve. Throughout the current crisis, Peerless has been open and serving our customers seamlessly. What mattered most to us was that we kept serving our customers and that we were keeping all our employees safe.

Being an employee-owned company, safety and health of our employees truly means the world to us. Our team consists of dedicated individuals, masters in each of their areas of expertise. We have a sales team covering all areas of the United States. They never took a day off.

We have a purchasing team communicating with our suppliers every day while making sure our customers have what they need and get the answers they are looking for to help complete their project.

During this time, our marketing and information technology department helped launch a brand-new website. While this was challenging, we succeeded again.

Our customer service, accounting, quality assurance and human resources teams worked tirelessly to ensure our customers and staff got the help and resources they needed.

We did not let the halt of the world stop us from marching on.

We have an incredible value-added / warehouse team who never missed a day of shipping. As the very core of our company, they remained in the facility to make sure product got out. For that, we are forever grateful.

Peerless is so proud of the devoted team we have. We have all worked together better than ever before to make sure this worldwide crisis did not bring Peerless down. This consisted of innovating new ways to help customers and interact with one another to ultimately create a new and improved Peerless. We adapted. We persevered. We unified as a company and found ways to get the job done.

Because we are Peerless. We are unmatched, unrivaled and in a league of our own. We want to thank all our customers and suppliers for supporting us always, especially during the year of 2020, a year all of us will never forget. With hopes that this message brought a little bit of joy to all of you, we want to thank you again.


In Solidarity,

The Peerless Electronics Team